I've been enjoying the flavours my my LavAzza coffee packs for about a month now. I use a four-cup Cuisinart drip coffee maker at home - or rather, my husband does...I'm too sleepy in the morning to be much use. Special coffees are love at work in our home.
We started off with the Gran Aroma which is a medium roast. I love my morning Special Coffees which consist of about a third a cup of coffee, topped by milk foam and cinnamon. Here is my first Gran Aroma cup and you can see that there is a a lot of foam! The first sips are sweet and warm, perfect morning waking comfort. Then the coffee comes through and its a warm nudge of deliciousness and awakening aroma.
The aroma on this coffee is amazing. From the first opening of the package - which has a round air seal by the way - its just dreamy! I stood there inhaling the scent of the grounds in my slippers one morning and I could have gone back for more later in the day.
The taste of the Gran Aroma is a standard medium roast - a bit acidic, not very deep - although there is a sense of quality in the liquid - it truly has become coffee, not hot water and coffee. For myself, medium roast is an okay roast - I prefer the dark. The Gran Aroma is a medium roast I would go to for the quality if I couldn't find any dark roast.
Onto the Gran Selezione. THIS is the roast for me. Oh how amazing it tastes in the morning and blends into the foam like its in a lover's arms. Yes, the Gran Selezione is so delicious its making me poetic. It is dark, velvety, smooth, and deep with a hint of quality chocolate. This is the one I will be looking for in stores. I'm so sorry that my package is almost empty! Again, I could inhale the scent of the grounds themselves for hours.
If you are a dark roast lover, I recommend the Gran Selezione. My price-checking has come up with $12.99 a package at London Drugs. I did find Gran Aroma at Superstore, but only that roast. Don't forget to scour the internet for a $2 off coupon, and I also found Sample Source tear-off coupons for $2 off a package at Superstore.
My BzzKit came with a few $4 off coupons, if you know me, you may be one of the select few recipients.
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